Category: Huddy

“Well…..This is Going to Be Interesting!”

Let’s waste no time Russellville. I am going to hit some highlights right now, but most can be seen up at the top on the picture. I have valuable time, and I do not want it to be wasted on Elliott. The information that is not in the above documentation. Elliott has a domestic violence […]

“Blah, Blah, Blah”

Woodpecker…..your a NARCASSIST AND COWARD. Pedlati……..your a PEDOFILE AND COWARD. I have expected more from both of you except the same old news every single week, and now every other week. It’s getting boring, but it also excites me. The things I have in store for both of you are coming, and great they are. […]

“Rehash?-Game On!”

So Pedlati and Woodsquatch want to rehash the same article two weeks in a row. The “Pedofile Free Press” this week consisted of the REB taking over all the front page covering where “The Pedofile Free Press” had ads, and then the rest of the paper consisted of boys basketball. Remember parents….if Pilati didn’t take […]

“Head and Ped” Proudly Present the After Halftime Show

“Head and Ped” would like to thank everyone for tuning in this evening for the after half time show. The both of them have been working hard these past few months to show all of you what they have in store. They have been practicing waltzing down Jackson Avenue in downtown to show all of […]