I am still here……..more things to come. -The Informer
“The Love is Real”
- Post author By theinformer
- Post date
- Categories In Informer, Narratives, PedHeads, Pedlati, Pedofile Ring, Woodpecker
I am still here……..more things to come. -The Informer
Citizens of Frankin county. All of you gave a choice in a run off tomorrow. Vote for who you want to, and for the 70% that Muggy spoke bad about. In my opinion he was calling you all lazy. This north planter is telling you how to vote still….after the people went to vote and […]
The Informer is not going to tell the citizens who to vote for. It’s not my right. THE FACTS are that CW and DG are financing a campaign for Mr. Filler to oust Barry Moore just like they financed Mansell last cycle. THE FACTS are that Scott and Sharon Mugnet are northerners that moved to […]
Hey Woodpecker! Hey Pedlati! Did you both know that this site is approaching one year? To all those reading this right now. I have posted only truth, facts, and a little comical fun…..yet TRUTHFUL. The Informer has realized hurt feelings have been made, but every one of you started it, and I am the one […]
Hello Woodpecker and Pedlati! Rumor has it both of you have missed me, and are mad at me also. I divulged your plans for the little ones, and I was able to keep the little children away from you bozos. The hope I have is that I made this a terrible “Halloween” (a pedofiles favorite […]
Hello (little) Woodpecker. It’s me. The best thing happening to your life every single week. I have it from close sources that you are gearing for political aspirations. I hear you have been strutting your prissy self all up and down Russellville like your somebody. I hope you develop a thick skin Woodpecker, because I […]
I personally want to “INFORM” everyone what this site is about. The number one goal of this site is to expose the lies of Pedlati and Woodpecker, and the other goal is to expose “PEDHEADS”, ADVERTISERS, and POLITICIANS that support this “Pedofile Press”. I know that individuals are mad at me, but as I have […]
I was contemplating on “Legacy” Pedlati and Woodpecker. Do you know that no-one other than your cult will remember you both. Scripture says of the fruit you show everyone. I have only seen dirty and rotten fruit that I do not want to be a part of. A pedofile and narcassist telling people what to […]
John Fredrick Pilati (Pedlati) (reference to the Alabama sex offender registry on the Franklin County Sheriff Website). Those who live inside the Pedofile Press and Councilman Woodpeckers bubble…also known as PedHeads….may be interested to know that your so called hero Pedlati has additional shoplifting charges he must answer to, and have been filed by […]
Peckerheadruff……how are you? I know the diversions have kept you busy on trying to keep you butt kick Ped out of the news. Guess what? The informer is going to keep on plastering it on this site. I hope WAFF or WHNT will pick this up. It’s all truth, and I have everything to prove […]