“Cruising and Grooming?”


Pedlati……how are you? Are you still rehashing, and trying to get more views? The Informer is keeping it fresh. I want Russellville and whoever reads this site to be well informed with FACTS. The cruises that you and your butt buddy Woodpecker go on. I wonder how pedophiles get on cruises….especially with children on board. Cruise lines……welll now that I think of it…..only a handful go to Alaska. I wonder if an anonymous call to all cruise lines will inform the cruise lines that a convicted peodophile is allowed on one? I say….lets find out.

Woodpecker…..Woodpecker…….Woodpecker has been a very bad boy. Rumor has it Russellville that Woodpecker was at Reed Town Apartments handing out $20-$40-$60 to children. I hope parents are reading this, and I hope the mayor and commissioners read this. One of two things are happening here. The opinion I have is that Woodpecker is gearing up for a mayoral campaign or sadly he is grooming these children like a pedophile.

-The Informer