I want to thank Scott Mugnet for the free advertising. Mugnet……instead of campaigning against a landfill. I thought you would be advocating for the people that died on your watch because of safety issues. Why would a city listen to you? A person that supports a pedophile, narcissist, and also YOU MUGNET. You have blood on your hands, and sir I would not listen to one word you say. The employees at FEDEX that got hurt, and even lost their life under your leadership because you wanted to cut corners with safety. MUGNET you are a FRAUD! That’s why the candidates that matter stay off your stupid radio segment. It will be over in a month, and then you can lick your wounds if Russellville does the right thing. Mugnet…..you want to bad mouth me…..then I will bad mouth you. The only difference is you lie, and I tell the truth and facts. Mugnet…..you say “Russellville must do better.” The Informer says “Russellville will do better!” Let political season reign, and if you want to enter the political scene and have a voice. Fair game Mugnet.
Here is one of many articles:
I want you to keep saying how malicious this website is on you and your wife’s page. Both of you are fair game because you are hiding behind her, and she is supporting this crap 100%, and being vocal about it. Well……it could be the other way around, and you are hiding behind her, Well again….if that’s the case then you are not only a pedophile supporter……….in my opinion that makes you a coward.
Head….Ped…..Mugno……political candidates……..rumor has it that this month is just getting started. Buckle up!
-The Informer