
“Jackass” (Woodpecker) Smiling Big

I personally want to thank everyone for the support and viewing of this page. The page has been a source of truth, and will still always be. I am not going anywhere, and this page will not fizzle. Comedy will be a factor, but I know we all need a laugh sometimes over these dark individuals.

Narcissism is a name we use for some sick individuals. I know some of you may think? Am I one? I promise you……if you ask yourself that question you are NOT!

This sums up Darren Woodpecker in whole. Woodpecker will never admit it, but he is everything this statement says and more.

What is more sad than anything is that he is a District 2 Councilman wanting to run for MAYOR. Think about it Russellville?



Darren Woodruff

  1. A Narcissistic personality disorder that causes problems in life, relationships, work, school, or financial matters.
  2. Unhappy and disappointed when not given special favors or admiration that they believe they deserve.
  3. Find relationships doubled and unfulfilling, and other people may not enjoy being around them. Other names for the above. (Wood (ruff ruff) (Woodsquatch) (Woodpecker)
  4. Orgin for the above is from the corrupt Petro Energy Company, and his sleazy and sick relationship with John Pedlati.

“Franklin Pedofile Press” Ad Payers! A week from Wednesday is when I start calling all of you out. I will not do it all at once. What is the fun in that? Tell him to cease and desist or it’s game on.