“No Legacy”


I was contemplating on “Legacy” Pedlati and Woodpecker. Do you know that no-one other than your cult will remember you both. Scripture says of the fruit you show everyone. I have only seen dirty and rotten fruit that I do not want to be a part of.

A pedofile and narcassist telling people what to do and believe. The worst part is that its wrong and in a just God unholy. It will happen one day….one of three things. Six Feet Under, Cremation, or Jesus will come in on a white horse to call us all home. Will you both be ready? I hope so!

“Russellville Family Denistry”,,,,,Dr. Mike McLeary, DDS I am calling you out. McLeary…..you support a pedophile and I call on all of Russellville to boycott your business until you quit supporting a pedophile. Mcleary…..you have children, and you have children as patients. Think of those little boys that Pedlati molested. Think about it? McLeary……you’re a doctor and are supposed to be smart….but advertising with a pedophile is not smart. All do respect….its STUPID and bad business since all the papers go in the garbage anyway when delivered. Oh yeah….it’s a waste of money also that could be used for dental care for underprivileged patients.

Politicians…….all of you are free game that advertise with the “Pedophile Press” aka “Mugshots”. Not one is safe, and you are the only thing keeping Pedlati above water with his finances. Shame on all of you! Grow a Pair, unlike our “PedHead of the Week”, and cease and desist.

“David Ergle”

“PedHead of the Week”

I want to say David that you think you are important and special. David you are always wanting special favors, but in the scheme of all things you are exactly act like a PedHead. Sir….you are a NOBODY wanting to be a somebody. I promise any political endeavors you follow, I promise I won’t be in the darkness….I will be in the shadows by the darkness to push you in the light so all people of Russellville can see who you really are.

I am only getting started! I want to tell you every single one of you make this too easy.

-The Informer