-The Informer
Are you scared Woodpecker? Rumor has it that you can trash a person, but when a person throws back the truth in your face you get your pitiful feelings hurt. I do not think you are mayor potential, because you do not have that thick skin a politician has. Pedlati wants you to be mayor so bad, and then he can work the system for his own purpose. Woodpecker……you will have no choice, because you do not know how to be a leader.
Russellville is a darker place because of Woodpecker, Pedlati, and “The Pedophile Ring”.
The both of you have disgraced yourselves over and over again, and both of you know it. I will do one further, and say in my opinion both of you make Russellville a bad place to live.
I think about children, and what kind of city lets a Pedlati roam free and take pictures.
I think about the adults, and older generation that Woodpecker throws his narcissism on. The city is sick, and needs a change. Change from Woodpecker and Pedlati. Change from the politicians that support them. Change from the businesses that advertise with them.
Political season is coming up, and exposing the corrupt is going to be fun.
“PedHead of the Week”
Wayne Fredrick
The man that prints the “Pedophile Press” every single week. I’m sure it’s easier to print right now, because the paper has went down a lot of pages. I cannot hardly use it for toilet paper anymore. Wayne…….what does Ped have on you, or do you enjoy printing for a pedophile? Does he let you keep some pictures he takes?
Do not tell me it’s just business. A man is supposed to have integrity and morals, and in my opinion you lack both “Wayne….”The Pedophile Press” Printer””
-The Informer
“No Trick or Treat”
Hello Woodpecker and Pedlati! Rumor has it both of you have missed me, and are mad at me also. I divulged your plans for the little ones, and I was able to keep the little children away from you bozos. The hope I have is that I made this a terrible “Halloween” (a pedofiles favorite day) from you both.
Now let’s get back to the grit and the grime you both lather all over Russellville, and not to mention the PedHead of the week.
Let’s all take a trip down memory lane for a moment. The purpose of this site 11 months running is to expose the truth about these two bozos. Let’s start with Woodpecker. Woodpecker served a 6 year term on the Russellville Electric Board with 5 of those years as chairman. While on the board Woodruff found a way to deceive continually by reporting excessive expenditures (rate payer money) for reimbursements far exceeding what was lawfully allowed according to the bailout from the Electric Board, and also proved when I looked at them for myself. These documents prove that Woodruff did this on his board tenure, with the exception of the two employees who keep Woodruff and Pedlati informed of electric board activities. (A little secret here…..those two employees do not have one clue their co-workers know who they are and what they are doing, so let’s keep that secret.)
I would issue a challenge to all. Go to the electric board office like I did and ask to see these documents on Woodruff’s electric board tenure. You will likley find there’s nothing but truth here on this site. Bless Woodpeckers small heart…..he wants to move to Mickey Mouse land but cannot afford it. Woodpecker….you will be losing more money when you run for mayor. Pedlati cannot help him either as he appears to have serious financial issues as well. Perhaps they could move in together to save money.
“PedHead of the Week”
Lesa Hooper
Lesa……rumor has it that people like to hear you run your mouth so that you would shut up about REB. Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about your utility bill every single month. Blah Blah Blah. Seeing your picture from Halloween last night leaves me speechless. Well…..in my opinion it was the most scary thing from the night. I heard you terrified a lot of little children, and they ran away in fright. If only children would run when they see Woodpecker and Pedlati. The two pedophiles you worship.
Lesa……enjoy your moment in the spotlight as forever a PedHead.
-The Informer
“PedHead and a Pedofile’s Favorite Day of the Year.”
Woodpecker……..your silence makes this so much easier, because I do not have to listen do your half witted remarks. Halloween or as you may call spooky season. Woodpecker and Pedlati get to call it something else. “Kiddos are coming to my house day!”
Woodpecker ad his partner in crime Pedlati, the former disgraced DA, convicted molester of young boys, shoplifter of candy bars and blue jeans. John Frederick Pilati (Refrenced above on the Franklin County Sheriff’s app and website for the sex offender registry.)
Halloween is upon us, and I want each and every single one of you to keep an eye on your children and keep them away rom James Road. Probably would be a good idea to stay clear of the 300 block of Marlin Street as well. The both of these two could possibly be disguised so well they won’t be recognizable at first glance…..so keep your children close while trick or treating. Woodpecker and Pedlati are likely to have deceptive tricks on hand, so beware. I am not even counting on the “Pedophile Ring” that still resides and operates in Russellville.
“PedHead of the Week”
Chris Fretwell
Chris Fretwell…….I know you like to run your mouth, and jabber about anyone and anything. I am here to tell you no one cares! People you talk to just want you to stop talking so they can go about the day in peace. Keep bashing, and I will be here to expose you. Chris you are a “PedHead”, and you are on the list. Pedlati and Woodruff are using you. Have you ever been used, but you were getting used while not knowing it? That’s what’s happening right now. Chris….you can bash Biden all you want, but the people you defend is who votes for him. Deep inside you I know you love Russellville, and I wish you would see what Woodpecker and Pedlati are ruining the city. Time will tell if you’re serious or not. Remember this….as said above….Pedlati is a molester of boys, and Woodpecker is so full of narcissism that the only way he thinks is he is right all the time. Woodpecker or Ped do not have any use for you. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, and you’re the first one I am giving it to. Choose……..and choose wisely.
-The Informer
Hello (little) Woodpecker. It’s me. The best thing happening to your life every single week. I have it from close sources that you are gearing for political aspirations. I hear you have been strutting your prissy self all up and down Russellville like your somebody. I hope you develop a thick skin Woodpecker, because I will expose you for all your misdeeds during your political aspirations. Sir……YOU ARE an embarrassment to the city of Russellville.
Pedlati…..so you write something about animal cruelty. I am against animal cruelly 100%, and I believe people need to be locked up on it.
The issue I have with the article is you think it’s clearly criminal to commit a crime with animals, but according to court documents you molest little boys, and sir that makes you an animal. What makes you different from the person that is committing animal cruelty. Pedlati….you’re no better than anyone you write about in the “Pedophile Press” aka Mugshots.
-The Informer
“Hypocritical and “PedHead” of the Week”
Woodpecker……I am researching and loving what I am finding. I’m ready to expose more things very soon. I know you miss me. I am still waiting for you to move to Florida, but you cannot because Pedlati is draining all of your funds.
Pedlati…..hypocrite, pedophile, disgraced district attorney, and bad journalist. Pedlati…..you have destroyed the paper that your father founded to be a light to every person in Russellville weekly, and he would be ashamed of you. Pedlati…..I do not think you care though…….which is a sad thing.
Pedlati……why would you write in your “Pedophile Press” aka “Mugshots” about a theft at a shoe store? Why did you not write about your shoplifting at Wal-Mart? Pedlati….I will be honest……I know you think I am a bad human being, but I am really not. I am just telling the truth. I personally would have bought anything you needed at Wal-Mart. It may be clothes, toothpaste, or even a mirror so you could see yourself. Pedlati……you’re a hypocrite for writing about someone that stole shoes and was in a chase, but you failed to write about your misdeeds, and not being coherent in the jail as they booked you.
“PedHead of the Week”
Tina Matthews
Tina……the issues you have. I am not going to waste my time.
The only think you want from everyone is attention. Tina you can make as many signs as you want, and I want to tell you the artwork is not good at all. Please do all the protests you want in Russellville.
Please prance around town like you are somebody to Pedlati and Woodpecker. Tina…..these are very bad people, and you’re mad over deposits? Take all that energy you have trying to impress your two butt buddies, and do something productive. Start something to help the citizens of Russellville for utility needs, and quit impressing Pedlati (a registered democrat) that loves Biden, and also called him about a “sweetheart deal” from shoplifting. Inflation is what’s driving up prices Tina. Tina……you or myself would not have gotten such treatment if we shoplifted.
-The Informer
“Ped, Head, Elliot, and PedHead of the Week”
Woodpecker and Pedlati……did you miss me? I know that Woodpecker is bursting at the seams. Woodpecker has something brewing for Russellville, and it’s not a good thing. Time will tell. Woodpecker……I will be here to expose it ALL when you do what you’re going to do. It’s going to be the best time exposing your misdeeds, and articles may ramp up more than once a week.
Pedlati…..are you having fun taking and or getting pictures at football games. It eludes me that parents do not know about this, and it still happens. Pedlati……you are a pedophile, and you are a very sick man/woman. Whatever you identify yourself as.
“PedHead of the Week”
Neil Willis
Neil Willis….formally a fireman has retired to the relief of his fellow co workers.
I see your nose…..it appears you may have did something. Is that a trace of residue on your upper lip. Just curious.
Neil Willis is long time friends with Woodpecker and Pedlati, and non other than another PedHead Arthur Elliot. Sources tell me Neil Willis and Arthur Elliot are butt buddies just like Woodpecker and Pedlati.
One thing has me curious though. Two firefighters retired and this included Willis.
Only one firefighter got the front page treatment in the “Pedophile Press” aka “Mugshots”. Neil Willis had a half page of lies celebrating this man. The one thing that makes sense to me is Willis is gearing up to announce something soon. What happens in March of next year everyone? Primary elections.
Willis retired because of an injury……will that make him political material? Do you want a person in office that has medical problems? Wait…..we got Woodpecker…..he has mental problems. Nevermind……lets’ hope Russellville will not let him have the time of day in office.
Woodpecker and Pedlati………Neil Willis and Arthur Elliott.
All of them think they are the future of Russellville. Russellville needs to know it’s bigger than these sick freaks.
Pedophile Ring?
-The Informer
Hello Pedlati and Woodpecker? I know the both of you have been looking for a post today. Well…I am here doing research, and finding the FACTS.
I can tell the both of you that I will return next week. Exposing more of your misdeeds, ad supporters, and the “PedHead of the Week”.
-The Informer
I personally want to “INFORM” everyone what this site is about.
The number one goal of this site is to expose the lies of Pedlati and Woodpecker, and the other goal is to expose “PEDHEADS”, ADVERTISERS, and POLITICIANS that support this “Pedofile Press”.
I know that individuals are mad at me, but as I have said before. The truth hurts, and I will always be the light that exposes the darkness.
Seriously……anyone can go to Facebook right now and see much worse things that is on this website. This website is truthful, and Facebook is fake.
This website has only exposed the TRUTH.
I will continue to expose the “Pedheads”, advertisers, and politicians that support this person and his business.
Side note: Rumor has it is this is the day Pedlati gets his “sweetheart deal” for shoplifting.
-The Informer
“The Pedlati Tax”
FOUL! Wal-Mart I know that boycotting the company will be useless, and the advertising with a pedophile….the company does not do AS OF YET. I do have to call an audible for the Russellville Wal-Mart.
Rumor has it that your self imposed extra tax was to supplement the loss that you had over the past months Pedlati had been stealing from the store. The items ranged from office supplies, clothing, etc. Wal-Mart you must do better! You can do better! (see the pun Mugno) Charge the man every time he went in and stole, and the money will be given back to you. A pedophile is stealing from you, and you do nothing about it except Pedlati getting a “sweetheart deal” from the charges. I would press the furtherest extent of the law. I would not be taxing Russellville over a pedophile getting his due for the misfortune he has cost Russellville, and of course his buddy Woodpecker as seen above as “Woody the Woodpecker”. Let me tell you he is as “Woody” (crazy) as he can be.
Oh Yeah Woodpecker…..I am counting down the days you either can afford to move to Orlando….which you cannot afford…or use COVID grants to run for mayor or some higher office. Woodpecker……please……please…..please do the latter. I will destroy your campaign from the bottom and it will come crumbling down around you, and then you will go crazy and have a mental break down (fingers crossed). I’m patiently waiting……whenever you decide……I will know.
“Pedhead of the Week”
“Gary Blackburn”
Gary……How much did Woodpecker and Pedlati give you to call WAFF? Was it worth it? I haven’t heard anything about it since…..and sir the crumb of credibility you had is GONE! The thing is “Pedheads” have only two things on your mind. You’re wanting to be somebody……I promise you……you never will be. I would be ashamed, and be mad all you want.
I will always tell the truth, and if you sissy’s cannot take it….well too bad…..get used to it.
-The Informer