“No Legacy”


I was contemplating on “Legacy” Pedlati and Woodpecker. Do you know that no-one other than your cult will remember you both. Scripture says of the fruit you show everyone. I have only seen dirty and rotten fruit that I do not want to be a part of.

A pedofile and narcassist telling people what to do and believe. The worst part is that its wrong and in a just God unholy. It will happen one day….one of three things. Six Feet Under, Cremation, or Jesus will come in on a white horse to call us all home. Will you both be ready? I hope so!

“Russellville Family Denistry”,,,,,Dr. Mike McLeary, DDS I am calling you out. McLeary…..you support a pedophile and I call on all of Russellville to boycott your business until you quit supporting a pedophile. Mcleary…..you have children, and you have children as patients. Think of those little boys that Pedlati molested. Think about it? McLeary……you’re a doctor and are supposed to be smart….but advertising with a pedophile is not smart. All do respect….its STUPID and bad business since all the papers go in the garbage anyway when delivered. Oh yeah….it’s a waste of money also that could be used for dental care for underprivileged patients.

Politicians…….all of you are free game that advertise with the “Pedophile Press” aka “Mugshots”. Not one is safe, and you are the only thing keeping Pedlati above water with his finances. Shame on all of you! Grow a Pair, unlike our “PedHead of the Week”, and cease and desist.

“David Ergle”

“PedHead of the Week”

I want to say David that you think you are important and special. David you are always wanting special favors, but in the scheme of all things you are exactly act like a PedHead. Sir….you are a NOBODY wanting to be a somebody. I promise any political endeavors you follow, I promise I won’t be in the darkness….I will be in the shadows by the darkness to push you in the light so all people of Russellville can see who you really are.

I am only getting started! I want to tell you every single one of you make this too easy.

-The Informer



Greetings are in order Woodpecker and Pedlati.  Have you both had a bad week?  I hope after this post it makes your week worse.

I hear you’r moving to Orlando Woodpecker, but you don’t have the money. Everyone knows you cannot afford that area. I heard you spent all your money buying votes and loaning Pedlati gambling money.

The Latest revelation of “Pedlati’s Misdemeanor shoplifting charge” it appears Pedlati will be getting so-called “sweetheart” plea deal.  This “sweetheart” deal will permit Pedlati to get to plea his misdemeanor shoplifting charge in exchange for a “diversion” program.  To be clear on what a diversion program is.  It’s aan alternative sentencing option that allows the defendant charged with certain crimes to avoid a criminal conviction, and in this case Pedlati.  Diversion or pretrial diversion may be available to people facing first time arrest or non-violent misdemeanor offenses.  As you know, this is NOT Pedlati’s first time being arrested.  According to WAFF News on April 5, 2004, Pedlati faced federal charges.  

Pedlati admitted he lied to the FBI.  (Note: if he would dare lie to the FBI, Do not think for a minute he will not lie to you or in his Pedophile Press Publication, aka “Mugshots”.  Among those charges Pedlati also was arrested for deprivation of Civil Rights Violations Against Probationers and Sentenced for Civil Rights Violations for “fondling the genialia of young boys.”  

Read on justice.gov

The “sweetheart deal”….does this tactic sound familiar?  If so it’s because in national news recently the Presidents son, Hunter Biden had a “sweetheart” plea deal worked out only to be thwarted by Republicans.  The Pedlati “sweetheart” deal appears to be in the democrat playbook.

Yet isn’t it amazing how the vilest of offenders can cut a deal such as this, yet advertisers apparently don’t care who they do business with thereby condoning his actions of moleting young boys while he was a district attorney of Franklin County.  I remind everyone that this convicted sex offender spent time in Federal Prison for lying to the FBI as well as what he did to his victims.  I’m sure his victims and their families will never forget what he did to them.  I also would not blame them or anyone else for not doing business with those who advertise with his sick excuse for a human’s Pedofile Publication.  

A sex offender arrested for shoplifting at Walmart who it was told while at the police station during his arrest could not remain coherent of his surroundings and kept falling asleep.  Remind you of anyone?  How about Hunter Biden and his allegations of drugs and sexual escapades month other things?  

Lastly for now, ask yourself would you have gotten the same opportunity for a diversion program if this were you and has anyone you know of ever had the same opportunity for a diversion program?  

“Pedhead of the Week”

Dwight Jackson

Dwight…..your not as charming as you may think.  Women do not like the flowers you get them, and they feel disgusted to be in your presence.  

The association you have with “Head and Ped” makes you a even worse human being.  

Dwight….your day in court will come and you will embarrass yourself and everyone you associate yourself with……on second hand.  Keep doing what you are doing, and keep doing that goofy creepy laugh you do.  (HEEE-HEEEE-HEEEE)

-The Informer

“Head and Ped=No CRED”

Hello Woodpecker!  Miss me?  Pedlati.  Miss Me?

I know you both love to throw punches, but your a wuss when it gets thrown back to you.  The situation is….I do not spout off.  I wait until I have all the facts, and then I share them with the public.  The both of you…..thinking of how smart you are..should know this, but I have come to the conclusion that the both of you are dumb as bricks.

Woodpecker…..I am going to start out with you prissy foot.  The date of 8/17/2023  on 43 South near Southside Baptist Church all the way down to Cedar Creek Bridge just past the Chevron Station was reduced to one lane only.  Then all of a sudden you passed everyone in the left lane in an attempt to get ahead of everyone else who was patiently waiting their turn, when all of a sudden you had to lock it down.  Hoping someone would let you in the line ahead of everyone, you ended up sitting there because not one person would would let you break line.  So my question is why didn’t you get out of that nice new electric truck of yours and ask everyone “you know who I am?”  Well Woodpecker it seems like people know you all too well.  Just so happens I had a good friend who was in that long line you so arrogantly passed, and just as a narcissist does and believing everyone should bow to you because you think you are somebody, no one would yield for you.  It appears more people know you better than you even realize and that’s why no one would let you break line.  Maybe if your good buddy Pedlati had been with you someone would surely would have allowed you to break line.  

But wait….

No, that probably would have worked either because no one likes sex offenders or shoplifters, or in this case both.  Oh well, maybe you could try passing out $20 dollar bills next time you’re caught in that situation. But no, that only works in city council elections now doesn’t it?  Oh well, maybe next time just wait your turn like everyone else.  You’re no better than anyone else, except in your own mind, well maybe in Pedlati’s pedophilic mind, and the few pitiful followers of yours and the pedophiles.  In my humble opinion, you’re just a nobody who wants to be a somebody.  Better luck next time, NOT!

Ped is gearing up to take photos of your children for football, and all other sports.  He may get his brainwashed workers to do it for him, but REMEMBER he will have those pictures forever.

PedHead of the Week

Sasha Franklin

Mr.  Wannabe Deacon…..one day you will have to stand before a just God, and answer for all you have done .  Sasha….you are aligning yourself with a pedophile and a narcassist.  What does that say about you?  I know things….and I am not afraid to expose them.  I know you’re going to be mad at this, but the truth hurts.  I personally respect your brother, but you are just distraction in this life.  What will you be remembered for?  Dignity?  No.  Humility? No.  Being real, and transparent? No.  Sir you will be remember as a church gopher.

-The Informer

“Mugno Who?”

I want to thank Rex Pinkard with “Pinkard Funeral Home” and “Hilltop Diner” for removing your ad in the “Franklin Pedophile Press”.  Business will flourish for you.

Psst…..Psst…..Woodpecker…….Pedlati……it’s me.  It’s your favorite person.

I told both of you that my gloves were off, and my gloves will be off until both of you face justice.  

SCOTT MUGNO I am calling you out!  The charades you pull in Franklin County are being seen, and you are being laughed at.  I am laughing typing this, because every single person can see through you.  Well…unless your a “PedHead”, and now MUGNO…..you are a “PedHead”, and dare I mention….

“Pedhead” of the Week


“Scott Mugno, YOU Can Do Better.  YOU Must.”

MUGNO….something doesn’t make sense, and I am going to tell you what that is.  MUGS….your from the North, and I do not begrudge you of that.  Alabama is a good place to move to, and Russellville is also.  My question is…..why come here and get into the political scene, and align yourself with John Pedlati a registered democrat (a convicted sex offender, and shoplifter?)  Are you another link to the chain in the “Russellville Pedophile Ring”.  I am not done with “The Pedophile Ring”.  I love it, because I know that I am on the right track to exposing this mess to the FBI. Mugno…this all seems kind of ironic, and you sing Pedlati’s praises, and take the “Pedophile Press” (MUGSHOTS) as gospel, and the only news source.  “The Pedophile Press” is FAKE news.  MUGS…..you have no right to stand before people if that’s the only news you consume.  Pedlati is not transparent……he picks and chooses.

MUGNO if you’re so inclined…why don’t you start writing in “The Pedofile Press”?  I can see it now….I have a name for you……”A CHEAP SHOT WITH MUGNO”.  The things you will write will be garbage, and I know nearly all of people in Russellville throw the piece of crap newspaper full of lies away.


Pedlati….how did your day in court go on the shoplifting charge.  Are you going to get a special deal?  We will find out.

-The Informer

“Honk if Ya Hear Me!”


John Fredrick Pilati (Pedlati) (reference to the Alabama sex offender registry on the Franklin County Sheriff Website).  

Those who live inside the Pedofile Press and Councilman Woodpeckers bubble…also known as PedHeads….may be interested to know that your so called hero Pedlati has additional shoplifting charges he must answer to, and have been filed by Wal-Mart.  

He is scheduled to appear in Russellville Municipal court on Monday Aughts 7th, 2023 in the former City Hall Auditorium, now the Russellville Police Department unless the court grants his request to not appear in person.  (You and I would not be granted that option in my opinion, but we will see.)  If you are riding by on Monday at the Old CIty Hall honk your horn to show you do not support, and to let the court know what’s happening inside. (a former disgraced DA and Registered Sex Offender and current owner of the Franklin Pedophile Press, aka Mugshots, who now has shoplifting added to his dismal resume’.)  Rumor has it that his resume’ may get even longer as time goes on. 

Pedlati is making news on regular basis of his own, yet he doesn’t report personal woes/behaviors in his reporting.  He is quick to delete an post(s) and comments about himself, as does Woodpecker, and then they block you.  To the Pedheads….don’t be angry at others including myself for doing the right thing and not supporting behaviors like Wooodpeckers narcissism and Pedlati’s ever so wrong and immoral behaviors.  

I repeat…remember studies have shown that once a pedophile, always a pedophile.  Do the research and see for yourself!

Rumor also has it a certain individual in Russellville who we all know may be facing lawsuits in the court system.  

More to come on this later.

Until next time, adios!  I will see you in your dreams Ped and Head.  

-The Informer “Fact-finder” providing a community service to the citizens of Russellville at no charge to you.

“Russellville Pedofile Ring and NEW CONTENT”

Hurley….Makes me want to HURL!

***Added on August 3rd, 2023……Pedlati has a special day…..Monday August, 7th in the municipal court for his Wal-Mart shoplifting charge.***

Hello Woodpecker and Pedlati.  It’s your favorite person again.

This post has to deal with both of you, and wait for it…wait for it….ARTHUR ELLIOT.

Woodpecker and Ped……remember…..I will always be on your shoulder keeping you awake at night.  Please keep diverting…..I told you both….gloves off.  Ped can keep going to children’s games, and writing about that.  The pedofile….but I will never ever let you forget anything.

Former councilman Arthur Elliot is no stranger to ethics.  He lacks ethics so much it’s unethical.  Readers….stick with me.  

Remember the “Pedofile Ring” of Russellville.  I am going to shed more light on that now.  Brett Evans…I am using you as a point, and this is not calling you out at all.  A person that wears the badge to protect.  Brett did you know that Arthur Elliot was wanting you to let go a drug dealer and sex offender (pedofile)?  The traffic stop of public record show Mr. Evans was in the right, and Arthur Elliot used his then councilman status to do favors.  

Why would Elliot want to protect a drug dealer and pedofile?  Did Mark Hurley have something on Elliot to make him get out of the charge the police stopped him for?  Elliot tuck tail and moved as quick as he could when he was voted out of the REB.

This can be verified at WAFF and WHNT on the ethics investigation.

Ding Ding…Russellville is full of pedofiles, and the majority have not been caught.

These people that control the ring are important, have money, and use the status of themselves to get what they want, and when they want it.

Pedofiles that you go to church with that you would not expect, and have been with your children already without you having any knowledge.

PEDHEAD of the week is Charles RAY Smelser.

More to come.  

Woodpecker, Pedlati, and Elliot…I will see you in your dreams.

“A Peckerhead, Pedofile, Advertiser, and “Bat Crazy” Randolph: A True Tale”

Peckerheadruff……how are you?  I know the diversions have kept you busy on trying to keep you butt kick Ped out of the news.  Guess what?  The informer is going to keep on plastering it on this site.  I hope WAFF or WHNT will pick this up.  It’s all truth, and I have everything to prove you wrong.  EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

Woodpecker….…Why do you pick on a girl that has nothing to do with this site?  Pick on someone your own size……(inserts self).  I am not afraid of you, and I love drive you bananas.  

Woodpecker….…you’reYour scared….…I smell it.  I feel sorry for every single person that has to deal with you.  I know you are putting them through hell by bugging them to death.

Chin up sourpuss.  I’ll come back to you in due time.  

Pedlati….…How are you?  Miss me?  I am here…I know you have lost sleep over me.  Who could this be?  I am a person that will stand up for what’s right no matter the cost.  

August 1, 2023….…Will be 8 months.  Look what I have accomplished.  That should scare you.  What will the next 8 months bring?  Ped….You can fake it all you want.  Do what you need to do.  The credibly of “Mugshots” is over.  FAKE NEWS! 

Fake….…Let’s talk about fake.  “Russellville Drugs” is hurting for business so much that they support a pedofile and his newspaper.  Wes Mayfield…I am calling you out.  I know who your father is, and since you’re a man….(well I hope….Since you post with a pedofile).  Wes…..You’re fake…….Your business is hurting.  I have my pharmacy, and it’s not with you.  I would drive to another town and get my medicine before I did business with you.  Cease and desist, and I promise you that your business will flourish.  Do not….…and it will founder.

I want to save the BEST for last!  “CRAZY” Florence Randolph……no relation to Rudolph I promise.  Research shows Flo that the state was relieved when you retired.  The tireless lawsuits you had against the state which is public record is a joke Flo.  The state is better off without you in the transportation system (ALDOT).  “CRAZY” Flo….if you knew how much you were disliked in your community you would turn your head down in shame.  The Bible thumping you do……and you continue to support a narcissist and a pedofile.  Florence Randolph you are a two faced hypocrite, and not a single person owes you a thing.  Do you think Woodpecker respects you?  No.  He is using you.  Be a decent person and enjoy your retirement that I am having to pay for and quit your bickering.

Flo….…I mean “CRAZY” Flo.  I need for you to know one more thing.  The browsing history on your searches are not nice, and I have pictures to prove it.  The church you go to, and your pastor may not think kindly upon what I have discovered.  Well, unless your pastor is Darren Woodpecker (Peckerhead).  

“Attention: False Advertising!”

Hello Woodpecker, Pedlati, and all the PedHeads that follow these two clowns. I hope you have had a great week watching for another post.

I haven’t been out of town on vacation, or at a beach conference. Ped and Peckerhead…….I know that’s what you were thinking.

I am so much closer than you think.

Tisk Tisk…….

So getting back to my regular schedule after researching this week. Yeah…..it made me sick also.

I contacted “Greyhound” about advertising in the “Pedofile Press” aka “Mugshots”……..come on Ped…..even you can get a small laugh out of this. I mean you did it on your own.

I asked “Greyhound” why they advertised with a convicted child pedofile. Customer service sent me straight to the another person, and another after that.

“Greyhound” has NO record of “The Pedofile Press” aka “Mugshots” putting an advertisement in Pedlatis joke of a newspaper. I said that he is placing a nice size ad with “Greyhound” logo, and also the contact information.

More LOCAL advertisers being exposed soon.

Nobody that does business with the princess is immune.

So here it is……Ped is advertising for businesses that have no knowledge to fill up space in his newspaper. I know you can all see the difference……if you haven’t…..then you are a true PedHead!

“Fireworks are Just Getting Started”

A pedofile with a gambling problem, arrested, and wanting his butt buddy Woodpecker to create diversions.

Followers that are referred to as Pedwoods taking up for these two. All of you make me sick to my stomach.

The FEW people that follow you should not be called Pedwoods. Therefore……you will be known as PedHeads. This will be reflected in the previous post.

Congratulations to “Hilltop Diner” and “A and L Building Supplies” for pulling the “Pedofile Press” ad, and not being scared of a pedofile newspaper.

“Extra Extra! Read All About it! Head and Ped is the Gift that Keeps on Giving!”

I cannot help to hear this video below every single time I hear Woodpecker and Pedlati talk to each other.

What’s wrong Woodpecker? Does a Ped have your tongue?

Woodpecker….you are doing everything you can to create diversions from Pedlati and his arrests, credit card lawsuits he has filed against gambling companies, and YOUR OWN incompetence.

Woodpecker…l know why you won’t go to the beach conference. The reason is you cannot take Pedlati with you to rub butt cheeks with inside the condo. Pecker….your rubbing butt cheeks with a pedofile and your cousin, and you stole over 90 grand while serving on the REB. WOODPECKER…….YOU WENT FOR 6 STRAIGHT YEARS, AND RACKED UP THE 90 GRAND. THE WHOLE CITY COUNCIL IS NO LONGER SCARED OF YOU, AND GREW A PAIR AND I HOPE THEY ALL ENJOY THEMSELVES. I KNOW THEY WILL BECAUSE YOU WOODPECKER WILL NOT BE THERE!

Ricky Young….I would keep your mouth shut. Mr. Tax Man…..the IRS may have gotten an anonymous tip on how shady your taxes you file for families and individuals for “Seal Tax Service” (Cough Cough Johnny Bowen). Keep talking…….I will bring more skeletons out RY (see previous post).

Woodpecker, Pedlati, and your small group of followers. ALL OF YOU ARE NOBODIES WANTING TO BE SOMEBODY!