“Well….It’s Happening”


Pedlati and Woodpecker. How are the both of you? I know it’s been a month of turmoil for you both. I will be honest…..and I am glad to see it.

Have you both ever heard of the phrase “Imitation is the best flattery”?

Do you remember when I said “Russellville is going to stand against you”?

Guess what? It’s happening. I have the seen the Facebook group. The one thing I can tell you both is that I am not behind it. I applaud the person that is doing it. I hope this unknown person keeps it up.

The both of you in my opinion are losing the battle. “The Pedophile Press” is dwindling…..and Ped is pumping other money people give him to keep the toilet paper treading water. I just wonder how much money he uses for gambling purposes people give him. It’s money wasted whoever gives it to you…….and I know you’re going to do everything you can to keep the lies coming. I am ready for it.

Woodpecker………rumor has it that you’re coming out for mayor. I hope you do, and I will be the one providing the truth.

Oh yeah…….Woodpecker……..I saw that you wanted an autograph.

Here it is!

*writing sound*

-The Infomer